The Indian Sundarbans is home to millions of people and the region’s endangered Bengal tigers. In recent years, rising sea levels and deadly storms forced farmers to travel deep into the tigers’ forests to make a living. Hundreds of men have been killed, leaving widows impoverished and shunned.

Storyboard illustration of a small boat moving upstream through a mangrove forest at night, with three men onboard.
Storyboard illustration of an overhead view of a man standing on the front of a boat as the silhouette of a fish swims underneath.
Storyboard illustration of a man looking at the silhouette of a tiger standing on the shore.
Storyboard illustration of a man looking over his shoulder, as another man falls onto the deck of the boat.
Storyboard illustration of a tiger leaping off the edge of a small cliff.
Storyboard illustration of a tiger splashing in the water.
Storyboard illustration of a tiger lifting a body from the water.
Storyboard illustration of a tiger dragging a body through the water.
Storyboard illustration of a tiger looking up after releasing the body of a man floating in the water.
Storyboard illustration of a split-screen view of a man and tiger looking at each other.
Storyboard illustration of a man about to swing a large stick.
Storyboard illustration of an overhead view of a tiger backing away as the shadow of a man with a stick moves forward.

VOA News